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¢º Home > Product > Headset

NSN : 5965-37-300-0706
The Headset H-200/U is designed for use with sound-powered intercommunication equipment AN/WTC-2A(V) and AM-2110G/WTC and provides both talk and listen functions. The headset set is comprised of two sound-powered receiver elements supported on a headband, one sound-powered microphone element connected to a chestplate assembly, a press-to-transmit switch and a 20-foot cord which terminates with a Navy S-74211 type plug.
Description Specification
Consumption current of Amplifier
in case of non-signal
Within 8mA
Max. Consumption current
in case of signal
Within 15mA
Sensitivity of Amplifier Min. 20dB more
Input Impedance of Amplifier Within 10k¥Ø
Max. Input level 1000Hz ~ 0.6V more

1) Output Sound Pressure Level
Typical response curve measured from earpiece will have a one octave band width at 85dB sound pressure, 1/2 octave at 95dB sound pressure level, and will peak at a minimum of 100dB.

* Reference : 0.0002 dynes per cm©÷ at 0.3-inch from mouth piece and
a signal input from 500-4000Hz at 100dB.

2) Weight :
¡Ü Uncrated : 3.5 pounds
¡Ü Crated : 4.0 pounds

To operate the headset set, connect accessory plug to applicable jack on associated intercommunication equipment. Place adjustable strap on chest set assembly around neck. Place headset over head and position earcups over ears. Loosen boom adjust knobs if necessary, to position microphone approximately one-inch in front of mouth, then tighten knobs. Press and hold pushbutton switch on microphone while speaking directly into micro-phone, and release pushbutton when finished speaking.






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